Political Economy of the Covid_19 Pandemic; 16 February 2021; Held by Outreach and Communications department of the Electoral Commission of South Africa
All things Vaccine Webinar/Live stream; Hosted by Jarette Petzer of the Move One Million movement; 19 February 2021
University of KwaZulu-Natal Webinar: “Perils of mask fatigue”
Covid 19 Vaccines demystified: KZN Department of Health Webinar
SARS CoV2 Variants unpacked: University of KwaZulu-Natal Webinar
SARS CoV2 variants and impact on Covid19 epidemic and Vaccines: Solidarity Fund
Vaccines demystified: Ukhozi-IsiZulu National Radio education al programme
Covid19 prevention: IGagasi FM: English -IsiZulu Radio Regional educational programme
KZN DOH CDC/IPC Meeting : Presented Overview on COVID-19 and specimen collection IPC Nurses (private/public sector)
UKZN COVID-19 Meeting-Launch of COVID-19 War Room UKZN COVID-19 Team doctors
Training of campus clinic staff – Overview of COVID-19 and response to cases – UKZN Campus Heath – Clinic Nurses and Administrators
Training sessions with Presentations on COVID-19 with Healthcare works at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, UKZN, Greys, Addington, Madadeni, St Marys Hospital, Dbn Military Base Ethekwini CDC training department with DOH Nurses, Ethekwini DOH Office, NHLS staff, IPC, Environmental officers, Training of Tracers – COVID-19 Presentation, PHC screening and response, IPC Donning and doffing, Specimen collection, Q & A
KZN Dept of Health Planning Meeting for COVID-19 outbreak response refresher training sessions per district with DOH and UKZN doctors
Remote Outreach Training on Panbio COVID-19 Ag rapid test including demonstration of nasopharyngeal sampling with NHLS lab staff, phlebotomist nurses in the Mkhanya-Zululand district
DOH Outbreak response Training for Umgungundlovu District with DOH IPC/KZN HCW
Ilembe district Remote Outreach Training on Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid test including demonstration of nasopharyngeal sampling with NHLS technical staff, phlebotomist nurses
Remote Outreach Training on Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid test including demonstration of nasopharyngeal sampling with King Cetswayo district with NHLS lab staff, phlebotomist nurses, microbiologist
Novel Coronavirus training – King Cetshwayo, Umkhanyakude and Zululand districts with DOH nurses
Surge Laboratory Audits for COVID 19
COVID 19 vaccine rollout SOP for IALCH hospital
Setting up COVID 19 laboratories at peripheral laboratories in KZN.
Testing and Support for IALCH and KZN
Technical training of laboratory workers at peripheral laboratories such as Addington, Edendale, Ngwelezane and Madadeni on specimen triage, sample preparation for COVID 19